Day 3 – “Map me happy” outcomes and gamification

We started the Day 3 by a reflection around the “Map me happy” activity of the day before. Everyone goes the chance to express their feeling about the methodology (through a SWOT analysis and informal discussion) and the outcomes (a personnal mapping of the Wedding neighbourhood). We also did a word cloud of the main adjectives they collected from the inhabitants and devided them in two categorizes: social interraction and nature places. This sump up allowed us to have a more global view of the needs and desires/missing places of the neighbours. For example, they need more parks, green spaces, more sport courts, gathering places, etc.

The next step of our morning was to discover how to use and create our own game on Actionbound application. As a remind, Actionbound is a tool which enable people to discover a specific area through quizzes and localisation games. As young people being able to create this kind of game, permit us to have a meaningfull impact on the society and raise awareness on topics. This activity has been really inspiriring, as one of us already decided to implement this discovery tool in her city.

After a lunch break, Andrea one of the italian members of the Eurbanities project, taught us about gamification and games in general. By the use of videos we brain-stormed about the main aspects of a game. Now we know how to classified them into five groups: rules, goals, interaction, challenge and entertainment. For instance, entertainment can be present in many forms such as fulfillment, success, stimulation and aesthetic. We also discussed about the use of game for educationnal purposes which allows students learn quicker in a more fun way and even increase their concentration. The brain-storming finished, we linked the topic with our main interest, youth enterpreunership and activism through a concrete exemple; the eurbanities game. It highighted the importance of story telling, social interractions and community to takle an environnemental issue and reach the  goal.